Dogs Chew... Teething, Soothing, Stimulation!
Chewing is a natural instinct for many breeds of dogs. Some chew for stimulation, some chew to support anxiety, boredom or stress, and for others it is simply a great game. Chewing helps dogs. It helps clean their teeth, massage gums and supporting them to do so with the right toys is a very good option, unless of course you don't mind losing your sox, furniture or anything else they can wrap their mouths around!
From a young age, dogs use their mouths to investigate and interact with their new forever homes. As they discover something new, many will often wrap their teeth around it as to say 'what is this?'. There are so many benefits from supporting your dog with the right selection of chewy toys that are strong enough, safe enough and entertaining enough to support what ever reason they have for chewing.
Teething is probably the most universal reason that puppies chew, most breeds will go through a teething stage that can last weeks or months and it is really a good idea to support your puppy through this period with the right selection of soothing toys that will not be too tough on their young gums, yet strong enough to sooth the eruption of premolars, incisors and fangs. Again, dogs are very resourceful and if you don't find the right toys for them during this period, you might find more of your household items and clothing going missing and being destroyed as your pup looks for some relief.
Here at Presents For Paws, we have researched, tested and sold thousands of chew toys to dogs of all sizes, breeds and temperaments. From tiny little Dachshunds with big strong jaws, to massive Retrievers that simply adore to have items gently placed in their mouths, much like their ancestors that carried fowl undamaged when hunting. What I am saying, is that there is no 'golden toy' that is perfect for all. It is not just about the size of the toys and the materials they are made from, but also the temperament of the dog itself and this is why we customise our packs for chewers based on you and your paws needs.
There are 3 main materials we look for when buying and selling chew toys. The first and probably my favourite is TPR (Thermoplastic Rubber), which is chosen for its soft, flexible rubber that is extremely tough when manufactured well. Used by medical companies as well as in many dog toys, TPR toys from Presents For Paws offer a resistant toy range that keep your dogs happy, their teeth clean and end up costing a lot less in the long term as our toy packs are designed for you and therefore have the right mixture of safe and strong items.
Natural Rubber is, well, just that. Rubber that is much more dense than TPR, but made from Natural products that are safe for dogs to chew on and are easier to pass through the body if devoured by jaws attached to paws! Both TPR and Natural Rubber products are good options if you have a dog that literally eats their toys as they are much easier for the dogs to push them out the other end!
Ropes are a favourite with many of our customers. Tug-of-war, chewing, teething, chasing - dogs love ropes! We have a massive selection of varying strength, size and colour ropes to suit dogs at any stage of life. We source cotton ropes, especially for the chewers as unnatural fibres can cause damage to intestines a dogs gut. Ropes are toys that should be shared and played with, but we recommend that these are NOT toys to leave your dogs chewing on all day while you are not around. We suggest that they also last a LOT longer as strong toys if not left outside in the rain and dirt.
If you know a dog that loves to chew and you want to talk to us about what options we have to help any breed, size or aged dog, simply contact us at info@presentsforpaws.com.au or visit our customised boxes and simply leave us a note in your order stating what kind of toys you are seeking and we will ensure you get exactly what you need.