Beating Boredom & Keeping Dogs Entertained This Winter
As we while our way through winter, days are shorter, staying warm becomes vital and most importantly, the paws in our lives also are looking for ways to entertain their days.
Much like us hoomans, some dogs love the cold and others just want to snuggle up, hibernate and wait for Spring! Some dogs are blessed with a thick coat made up of layers that keep them warm, but others, like short-haired dogs can often require a jumper on cold winter walks.
The fact of the matter is, cold or not, Winter is just another season and keeping your paws active, both mentally and physically is vitally important. Important for them, yes, but just as important to protect your favourite sox, cushions, towels, your favourite wool slippers... lets be serious, this list could go on forever!
Walking when able to is a great winter exercise for the whole family. Get the blood flowing, keep your paw'd family members happy and get everyone either ready for the day, or ready for a big sleep. Even if you are currently in lockdown, exercise with your dog is ALWAYS permitted. It doesn't require a car or a group of people, just a lead, a smile and your paws by your side.
It might not be the best weather for your activities, but that doesn't mean no excitement. Over winter, we are packing our boxes with toys pawfect for indoor shenanigans. Chewing and strong soft toys are our goto in the Presents For Paws HQ over winter. Our Lagottos are determined to destroy anything that is not designed to be chewed! We have spent many months testing different items and have created a great stockpile of toys pawfect for moments of play with your pooch and for those moments when you need to keep them distracted, quiet, or calm... like when working from home!
Working from home with kids (hooman or paw'd) presents its own challenges, but the answers seem to be the same. Keep said kids distracted, non-destructive, stimulated, entertained and free of boredom.
If you are looking for ways to keep your paws entertained this winter, try one of our customised boxes, personalised to your dogs breed, age and temperament.